Sunday 30 June 2013

New Orleans Shenanigans!

WE ARRIVED!!! At long, long last.

Our hostel is pretty awesome not going to lie. The hostel itself is really 'kooky' and quite hip, the staff are either drunk or drugged up 90% of the time and the people we have met so far have all been real good fun. And we've only been here a day!

Arriving at 5pm we both had good intentions of grabbing some dinner and heading straight to bed. At this point we had barely slept in 36 hours so weren't feeling the greatest. Whilst eating dinner in the garden area we got talking to a group of guys that introduced themselves all as James with an Australian accent .. Yeah..
After some chit chat the beers were being offered and I eagerly accepted. Hot weather and a cold beer is bliss! They were hitting it hard as they planned on going out.. This is how it all escalated. 
Watermelon vodka made an appearance and they had me. I LOVEEEEE this stuff. Some other guys and Australian girls came and joined and the drinking games were in full swing. Yes, we definitely weren't going to bed any time soon. 

"Fuck me, fuck me hard, what's the name of this fucking game? Wedding fuck, what the fuck? How about a sister fuck?"

20 people singing this.. Things got a little out of hand! My nick name was wedding fuck, Kate's sister fuck (because she's from suffolk so she's an imbred, appaz) and others had names like happy fuck, sleepy fuck, fucky fuck, Sydney fuck, Aussie fuck, spreadsheet fuck........ Etc etc
If you sang the song wrong, you had to drink.
I'm telling you it's hard once consuming copious amounts of beer and vodka. 

After a quick change we headed on out. We had no idea where we were going or who we were with but it was all fun and games. After a shoulder ride which I nearly very fell off from, we caught a taxi and headed to frenchmans street and went to a bar were a jazz/band group were singing live. After a few vodkas me and Kate were pumping out our moves on the dance floor, showing the Americans how it's done!!! 

Arriving back at the hostel at (we don't even no what hour) we awoke at 10 and headed for breakfast (after the catch up conversation of.. What happened last night?). Kate couldn't stomach anything and I opted for granola instead of a fry up. And yes, I would like a medal for that! Ha ha. We then headed back to get ready to go into town and to be a bit touristy where we started talking to another group of guys.. They were fishing for it so I offered for them to come out with us. And I cannot tell you, lunch was the funniest lunch I've ever had. We headed to a lobster grill and all of us were hanging majorly. With it being 34 degrees, dehydrated and tired, spirits weren't that high. The guys opted for the whole 'hare of the dog" strategy whilst us girls went for a thirst quenching sprite. Craig (I think that's his name) ordered a Bloody Mary after being told its the best hangover cure. It arrived with celery, green beans, olives and a large shrimp in it. by far the most awful drink I have ever seen. To top it off it also had Cajun spice in and around the cup. After gagging and choicing to not drink it, dares got out around the table. Another drank it and immediately left the table to be sick. 
Yup, we have bought our Bungay class all the way to America.. The Aussies it seems did also. 
After an eventful lunch we walked down to the park and took some photos, walked around some more and headed back. It's official, I have hit the wall and needed my bed. 

I chilled by the pool whilst Kate played water volley ball, ordered a dominos pizza and now I am laying in bed writing to you before I snooze off to Wyatts world of dreams. 

Good night

P.s sorry for the use of bad language 

Yas x

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