Friday 28 June 2013

Hour #5

With regards to the later blog post, I feel the need to inform you guys that by when Kate says I have an unhealthy sex obsession and can't find the hole.. I was simply trying to plug the charger into the wifi dongle. So yes, I hear you all think that in fact it is Kate with the dirty mind!
Anyway, enough of the frisky talk and back to this long winded journey. WE ARE HITTING HOUR 5. I am still up and buzzing but could sleep. We have a transfer just before 12am so I will hold out until then and carry on in taking copious amounts of sugared sweets! There's also two cookies still going.. Hmm.
Candy crush is seriously beginning to frustrate me as for the love of money I cannot get past level 33.. I'm getting the shakes from getting 14/16 jellies and not 16 GOD DAMN! (Obviously not because of the high amounts of sugar in my bloodstream right now) 
Anyway, topshopa tumblr and ben Howard is getting me through this hour and at this point I would like to say just how much I love this guy! 

Yas xo

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