Friday 28 June 2013

Moving on.

So we are sat in our hostel having a last lunch, before we head down to the beach for our last swim, after which we will head to the bus station to head off to New Orleans. Miami has been interesting, for reasons that have already been discussed, but we have both decided not to dwell on it but instead look forward to the rest of the trip. 

Due to the regrettable incident- as it shall henceforth be known- we were late in booking our flights to New Orleans. After a frantic hour or so yesterday trying to remedy this we both decided that it would be a lot cheaper and easier to take a bus. But not quicker. Oh no, this evening at 7.30pm we will be stepping onto a bus in Miami, 21 HOURS LATER we will be stepping off the bus in New Orleans. Yep, that's right. Thankfully we have sorted out our phones otherwise I think we would have ended up killing each other! 

So, as a fun little exercise, and a way of hopefully keeping us sane we have decided to live blog the journey. Depending on whether we get any sleep we are going to try and do hourly updates so you guys can experience along with us the joys of spending nearly a day on the bus. 

Get excited people, because we really aren't. 

See you at 7.30! 


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