Monday 24 June 2013

Living in a Will Smith song...

WARNING: This post could cause jealousy. Please be aware that there will be high levels of gloating and smugness, and those with an envious disposition should look away now. 

SO, we have made it to Miami, and we love it, and we never want to leave. We got here a little after 5pm on Saturday after spending a delightful day on the bus down from Tampa. Our last few days at Yasmin's family friends were really chilled, with the exception of Adventureland, in which we spent the day frolicking in the wave pool and pushing small children out of the way so we could go on the big water slides first...

Yasmin also used it as an excuse to find and eat the world's largest cupcake. I think a round of applause from everyone is needed as I'm not entirely sure how she managed to polish that off and still looking banging in a bikini. Sometimes the world just isn't fair. 

As much fun as we had in Tampa however I feel like this week is going to top it. Our (incredibly cheap) hostel is only a block away from the beach AND we get free pancakes every morning. If it wasn't for the nauseatingly annoying American guy in our dorm room I would say it was all a bit too good to be true. Luckily he is cancelled out by the incredibly nice other American guy who we have spent most of the day with. 

Our first day was mostly (pretty much exclusively) spent on the beach. When it's only two minute away and it's 31 degrees it seemed rude not too!

It is a beautiful beach, with powdery white sand- that gets absolutely everywhere, know what I'm saying- and crystal clear turquoise water. See what I mean when I said you'd be jealous. I can try and make you feel better, however, by telling you that by the end of the day, despite applying Factor 30 all day, I ended up looking distinctly like a crustacean! I have been faintly glowing since about 4pm yesterday and despite doing my best to cover up today I still seem to be producing steam heat from my undercarriage.*

After much deliberation over what to do last night, after guzzling down some sushi, on Yasmin's part, and chicken katsu on mine we decided that it was pointless to spend endless amounts of money getting into a club and buying overpriced drinks. Instead we headed to the nearest Walgreens, picked up a bottle of Malibu, some red cups, because after all we're in America, and headed back down to the beach with our new found American friend to watch the full moon come up. Told you we loved it there. 

We didn't manage to get any decent pictures but let me tell you, it was beautiful. The beach was full of people doing a similar thing and we sat there for hours sipping our drinks, listening to bongo drums and discussing life's big problems. I would like to take this moment to thank Daniel Scroop for teaching me even a small amount of American politics. It helped me no end whilst having a heated debate with a conservative American about the benefits of free healthcare! 

Then, today, my lovely partner in crime finally decided (gave in to me nagging her) to get her tattoo! After much deliberation and bartering I finally got her in the chair, in a very dignified position I must add, and held her hand whilst a lovely if unintelligible Spanish man tattooed a palm tree on her. It looks mint, and she loves it, and I love it, and her Dad approves so bonus! 

How fit right?! Don't worry Gran, I'm not about to post a photo of mine. Not yet anyway!

Anyway, after our momentous morning we headed back down to the beach, got some more tanning (burning) in and are now about to go get some Mexican food with some guys from our dorm room. 

Living the dream people. Living the dream. 

*Bonus points for those of you who get that reference. Gold star for you. 

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