Friday 28 June 2013

Hour #4

Kate's back, and she's hyper. I have dived head first into a packet of sour cherry balls and I don't think I'm ever coming back. I'm sure I'll have a sugar crash sometime soon but until then I'm riding this wave like a pro. 

So, we've just hit hour number four. Aside from the sugar high it's going quite swimmingly. I've given Frodo and friends a rest for now but reclaiming my kindle books has made me feel so much more complete. God bless the App Store. I had to finish The Hobbit as I was three quarters of the way through when my kindle got stolen, and I have just started The Fellowship. I'm only a couple of chapters in and I'm already craving the films. Come at me Viggo Mortensen, you know it's right. 

Ahem, anyway....

Yasmin is doing well, though it seems she gets quite frisky when she's contained in a small space. Not only has she tried to inappropriately touch me, she also keeps going on about not being able to find the hole. So bad. Luckily I still have the rape whistle my Mum gave me before I left so I reckon I'm safe. 

My favourite moment of the last hour, or more realistically the whole journey so far, however can be attributed to someone who is thousands of miles away. During a text conversation with my glorious friend Sazzle (or Sarah Sharp to most of the world) in which I lamented the length of my journey and explaining that we were only doing it because it was cheaper than a flight, she replied, and I'm directly quoting here:

"Wait are you getting a bus from America to Australia?! Xxx"

There are just no words. I love her so much. Although my fellow bus mates probably don't as I laughed rather loudly and for an uncomfortably long time. 

That's about all I have to report on now. 

Oh yeah, Candy Crush level update: 18, and waiting for a full set of lives. 

It's going to be a long night. Bring on the cherry balls. And no that's not a euphemism. 


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