Sunday 7 July 2013

Lets have a catch up!

Hello, all the way from Dallas. 
First of all we need to apologise. We have been extremely slacking the last week or so when it comes to blogging. But Yas is back and ready to fill you in on all the antics and our up to's. 

Dating back a few days now, New Orleans followed suit of the last blog once again. However we decided to check out bourbon street as its one of those.. 'Because you just have to' kind of thing. We had walked down it a few days prior mid day and it was horrendous then, at 1am it is just as bad. The whole street just stunk of vom, neon lights evvvveerywhere and even the odd (by odd I mean quite a few) strippers trying to lure us in. UMM NO THANKS. so we bypassed bourbon and got to Frenchmans which is where there are more bars with jazz bands etc.. And it was very, very fun. A few too many vodkas were consumed because next thing I found myself and a girl we met Rachel up on stage dancing with them. I don't know why either.. But Kate also faced the raf of the jazz leader when he summoned her up on stage to wear a wash board. FUNNIEST. THING. EVER. It was the worlds longest song also so I don't think she was loving life at that point! 
Anyway, after a hot diggididy dog and a ghetto burger we left and went home. 
The next day me and Kate went on a swamp tour to see some gators! Around 15 of us got into a boat and headed up the swamp. 
Fun Fact: did you know alligators like marshmallows?
Well it's true, the captain threw some marshmallows in and along came the alligators. They are such a funny animal to watch, the way they swim up all slowly, with just there eyes out of the water and as soon as they are close to the food, there mouths slowly opens but then snaps the food and swims away. Haha!!! 
After a couple of hours touring the swamp we headed back and got some dinner at this seafood place. At this point we were starving so deep fried shrimps and catfish went down an absolutely dream! One of the best meals I've had out here. Nom nom nom. 

So there's New Orleans pretty much all up to date and caught up on. Now for the LONG trip to dallas. The greyhound trip wasn't quite 21 hours but it was more of a mission than that itself. We left at mid day and was supposed to arrive in Dallas around 2am. Our bus driver was drunk (swear down) and managed to make us over an hour late to our connection bus, meaning we missed it. After being told various things, we finally managed to get our tickets changed. This meant we were supposed to get to dallas at 4am. BUT NO. We were late again to our next stops meaning that in fact we got in at 6am. 
I was in the worst mood ever. It also didn't help that someone requested the air con colder so by the time I got to dallas I could barely feel my feet, toes and ears. With no sleep and no moving limbs, I was extremely grouchy. 
We arrived at our hostel and literally went to bed. The next day after a few hours sleep was a bit of a downer and it was supposed to be Insane as it was 4th July. It didn't help that our hostel is like a house. There's no reception and the guy that owns it wasn't around. We are in the middle of know where and because of the public holiday, there's no public transport running. We had no idea what was going on and at that point we were looking into other places to stay or to leave dallas full stop. The only thing stopping us was that our flights to Vegas were booked from dallas, and all other hostels in dallas were crazy expensive. At this point I thought it was going to be a loooong and boring week. Anyway, we tried to go out and enjoy Independence day after a quick change of clothes (sporting the red, white and blue) we got a bus into dallas. (The only bus running) however this didn't go all the way and we had to get off to get a connecting train. This was supposedly running but after an hour of waiting we just opted for a taxi. 
We went to dinner at this stocky BBQ restaurant and had a typical American meal. 1/2 pound of brisket and pulled pork with mac & cheese. Yeah, it was soooo good. Waddling out of there an hour later we came across the iron cactus restaurant/bar. We went up to the top roof and had cocktails whilst over looking a beautiful fountain. There was a live singer wacking out the American tunes and a very rowdy table of ladies singing and dancing along. They were so drunk it was hilarious, and that was our entertainment for the evening!

Next day we headed back to downtown dallas and looked around the farmers market. It was pretty cool but I think we missed out on a lot as we didn't get there until mid day. That evening we went to forts worth and watched a rodeo. OMG it was insane and just how you imagine it to be except when they lasso the baby cows they look like they are in pain, but they weren't so its ok. 
The place to go after the rodeo is billy bobs bar, I'm not 21 and they were strict but I snuck it so it was all good at that point. Until we tried to buy a drink and I didn't have a stamp, we got asked to leave. Oh maaaaan! This lead us going to a restaurant and ordering chicken fried steak. And I bet you are wondering what that is? It is intact, steak deep fried in batter. 
Do you know what calves fries are? 
Find out and try them ;)

After nearly catching up on sleep we had a lazy day down the pool yesterday. Kate had the most hilarious tan lines... SUNGLASSES marks. So it's all white eyes and bronzed face for her at the moment!

And this leaves us with today. I woke up around an hour ago and I'm still siting in bed. I can hear kate and all the others staying in hostel screaming ever so often at the Wimbledon's final.. I have no idea about tennis but at this current moment they seem kinda happy..

Hmm.. How long do these games go on for! I'm hungry and want pancakes. 

Nice to catch up, and we won't leave it so long next time! :)

Yas xo

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