Wednesday 5 June 2013

What's Up New York?!

Oh hey there's Kate here making my first appearance on the blog. You lucky lucky things!

So, we have officially arrived and it's all very exciting. We got here yesterday and after managing to navigate ourselves all the way from JFK to Theo's apartment - go us- we were met with an empty apartment. Whoops. But after a cheeky borrow of a lovely American woman's phone and a mere ten minute wait I was finally reunited with one of my best friends and Yasmin got to meet the person who is putting us up for the next week. 

Now I've loved New York since I came next year and I've been so excited to come back since I left. Especially since we get to stay in Brooklyn and see a different, less touristy side to the city. After we'd dumped our (rather heavy, seriously I feel like there will be a lot of complaining about them on this blog) bags, freshened up and met the most amazingly hyperactive Doberman we headed back out to grab some dinner. After wandering through the achingly hip Williamsburg we ended up in a cute little Thai place where I managed to not finish my first, out of I'm guessing quite a lot of, meals. Seriously America, why do you eat so much food. I just don't understand. Jet lag was starting to kick in so we fully intended to go back and fall asleep to some American TV however the lure of Theo's fave beach bar was too strong, and the promise of sand on the actual floor was too much for me and Yas to pass up on. With the promise of a sandy floor fulfilled and some delicious lychee martinis in front of us the evening seemed pretty perfect. Then creepy Eastern European guy sitting next to us sent a second round to our table and informed us he'd already paid for our first round as well. Well played creepy Eastern European guy, well played. 

After passing out on the settee at 2am whilst watching The IT Crowd we woke up rather late this morning. Finally dragging ourselves out into the beautiful Brooklyn morning we headed to a cafe for some brunch- which I managed to finish. I was quite proud. It probably helped that it was waffles and maple syrup, with some fruit to make me feel better about myself. Theo then took us down to the East River where we sat in the sun and gazed across at the Manhattan skyline, before she had to head off to work. Me and Yasmin then took a ferry down to the Brooklyn Bridge, walked across it, wandered through the West Village and then after some by bad directions from the T-Mobile lady, made it to the Highline. Now the Highline is one of my favourite things in New York City. An old railway line, it runs part of the way down 10th Avenue and gives amazing views across the Hudson River and into the city. It's all wooden and windy and plant lined and I just love it. By this point however we both felt like we'd left our feet somewhere downtown so we jumped on the L train, bought some hideously overpriced food at an organic, whole food, blah blah blah market and had a romantic meal out on the balcony as the sun went down. 

All in all New York, you're doing very well and we've only been here a day. Top effort. 

Lots of lovin, Kate. xx

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