Sunday 2 June 2013

I can almost taste the American air

It's finally all sunk in.. I will be spending a quarter of 2013 in America and I'm going in a day. What is this all about?

On Friday it all hit me that I am leaving. Talking about my plans with friends all of sudden seemed real. I will actually be leaving the fine old town of Bungay and the country life of Yoxford and everyone in it. Instead ill be walking over Brooklyn bridge, pooing my pants on some scary rides at theme parks and seeing the amazing sites I.e the Grand Canyon. Ill be leaving the unpredictable English weather and sunning myself on Miami beaches and celebrate leaving my teenage hood on my birthday. 
Yeah.. This is actually happening and although its sunk in, it still feels like a dream. 

This week has been spent seeing my closest friends. Dinner dates, ladies lunching and hitting up Norwich the way we know how! Apparently I started to get a little teary whilst doing a jäger bomb but I don't remember that! It's all lies! Friday however, the tears certainly started flowing. I would like to blame it on the prosecco however that would also be a lie, it's the simple thing I am literally going to miss some amazing people that I've grown extremely fond of!!!

I spent my Saturday seeing over great friends, eating McDonald's and watching films. I then re-packed, sorted hand luggage, printed documents, and cleaned my room. Yes, I am literally ready to go now! 

As many of you know, Sunday is fun day. This involves sitting in the sun (check), eating lots of food (fry up consumed an hour ago!) and drinking lots of pimms and G&T's. (not happening today as annoyingly enough I've fallen poorly- TYPICAL) 

I can not tell you all just how excited I am but at the same time mega freaking out. But it's all normal and I'm sure once I get off that plane and hit the hot American air ill be absolutely buzzing! 

Eeekkk 1 day left! Wahooo!

Yas xo

Twitter- YasWyatt 
Instagram- yasminwyatt

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