Tuesday 11 June 2013

Bursting the bubble...

Well hello there everybody, Kate's back you lucky things!

We are currently sat in our perfectly lovely hostel in Washington DC trying to be as quiet as possible as there is a perfect stranger fast asleep about five feet from us. Ahh, travelling. The bubble referenced in the title is very much a New York shaped bubble, and it has very much been burst. The combination of staying in our own apartment, with a comfy bed, big TV, resident Doberman and private balcony, as well as the fact we had Theo, AND I've been to NYC before, all combined into a feeling that we were merely on holiday rather than backpacking the states. Well let me tell you people, nothing shocks you out of that frame of mind like a five hour bus journey, communal bathrooms and bunk beds that look, and feel, like they've been here since the 80's. Regardless, we are both very excited to be in Washington, to get our trip started, and get down and dirty with some American history.*

Before we start posting our fun and frolics in the Capital, (I literally refuse to spell it with an O, the Yanks can just suck it), let me update you with our last couple of adventures in NYC. 

As Yasmin previously posted we spent Saturday (queuing) going up the Empire State Building, before heading down to my favourite place in the city, The West Village. Tree lined streets of beautiful town houses, Washington Square park, bars and cafes on every corner; if I ever had the opportunity/ lottery win to move to New York I would hole up as close to Bleecker Street as possible. Just, perfect. 

After a hunt for both the Friends apartment building, and Carrie Bradshaw's apartment we then headed up to Times Square, purely because when you come to the city you have too. Don't ask me why, I didn't make the rules, it's just what you have to do.

 We then nipped into Theo's bar to say hello/ keep her company with the best of intentions of only having a couple of drinks. Cut to 3 hours, 4 mojitos and 3 cinnamon whiskey shots each later and things didn't go terribly to plan. 

As such Sunday was supposed to be a relaxing day spent by the water in Brooklyn. Theo had a day off and there was a flea market in Williamsburg by the East River. I went last year and its a great way to spend a sunny Sunday morning. It ended, like last year, with me trying to figure out whether it would be financially viable to ship home a dressing table and two book shelves. Theo assured me it probably wasn't. Our plans for a quiet Sunday afternoon were thwarted however when Theo's friend called and said they were headed to 230 Fifth. Now I love 230 Fifth so I couldn't pass up the opportunity, and as my shoulders were starting to match my red dress we figured a trip into Manhattan was probably necessary. For those not in the know, 230 Fifth is a beautiful rooftop cocktail bar with views over the whole city. We stayed there for two cocktails before realising that passion fruit martinis on empty stomachs probably weren't a great idea so we hopped in a cab- Yasmin's first yellow cab experience, it was all very exciting- and headed down to the West Village (home) to a restaurant owned by one of Theo's regulars.

What happened next was what can only be described as a blur of mojitos, lobster tacos, gin, lamb chops, flavoured vodka shots, sushi, and more mojitos. We occupied a corner of the bar, made friends with the owner, female bartender, über gay waiter, and two regulars, got incredibly drunk, incredibly full, and it didn't cost us a thing. I love New York. And Theo. Because realistically, it was more to do with her ability to pull a pint and look fit whilst doing it than the city as a whole. Either way Sunday night felt like a win. 

Monday however did not. It was raining. We were hungover. It was raining. The wifi wasn't working. It was raining. A shelf fell out of the wall taking the speakers, projector and play station with it. Did I mention it was raining? Cutting our losses we spent the day eating cookie dough (God Bless America) and watching The Bachelorette. Not the most rock and roll way to finish our time in NYC but it was what we did, and I stand by it. 

And now we've left Theo and the bright lights of NYC behind (sob) and are getting ready for the next stage of our trip!

Speak soon xxx

* That last bit is 100% me. Yasmin should have known better than to let someone who spent practically three years of their lives nerding over American history come too a place with a whole street dedicated to free museums. Good one Yas. 

P.S. I miss this face already...I mean, who wouldn't?!

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