Friday 28 June 2013

Hour #8

Miss Congeniality is the best film in the world. Fact. I'm half way through so this is going to be a quick post but all is progressing well. Yasmin tried to sleep but the dulcet tones of fellow passengers and oh so comfortable seats have meant that she is currently tearing her hair out on Candy Crush. I myself have reached Level 23 but am taking a break for Sandra Bullock. She deserves nothing less. 

I would like to take a minute though to give out a bit of advice. Now ladies this is mainly aimed at you but it could apply to guys though, I ain't here to judge. If you ever find yourself travelling on a bus with leather seats DO NOT wear a dress with no leggings or tights. Every ten minutes I find myself peeling my rear end of my chair so I can change position. It's not pleasant for me and I'm sure it's not pleasant for Yasmin who has to listen to it. So there you have, Kate's lesson of the day. You are welcome. 

I'm going back to the beauty pageant now. World peace isn't going to happen on its own. 


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