Wednesday 26 June 2013

and reality has struck..

Fact: Miami is ranked High when it comes to crime. On thefts alone last year there was over 15 thousand cases reported.

Fact: We didn't realise crime was so bad in Miami

Fact: Reality hit us like a washed up, rotting, wet fish around the face when we unfortunately had our belongings stolen. 

We were literally living the dream. Laying on the beach all day soaking up the sun, grabbing a shower and some dinner, then we would head back to the beach to watch the sun set and the moon rise. All whilst sipping on Malibu and eating gummy sweets. It felt so surreal that at times I questioned the fact of whether I was in a day dream and I would wake up to the sound of my alarm and live the normal working life. However that sounds much more appealing than the nightmare we have been living the last couple of days right now.

We stupidly took our eyes off of our bags for just a few minutes and suddenly they were gone. I can't describe the thoughts and feelings I had but we were definately no longer living the dream. Instead we were straight on the phone to the police to report it and phoning our banks to cancel cards. Both phones, both purses, Kate's kindle and passport all gone within minutes.. What the actual hell. All I can say right now is thank god we met two LOVELY & AMAZING guys in our hostel who lent us phones, money, wifi dongle and drove us into Miami. Literally unsure of how we would of done anything without them. So if for some reason you read this, thanks Cameron and Peter. YOU'RE STARS! 
After spending all day at the British consulate yesterday, we managed to get Kate an emergency passport. Thank god she scanned it before she came out as we had no other proof of ID. With the adjustment of having to cancel going to Australia after America and booking flights home for various reasons.. We were getting some where. Slowly but surely. 
Next important thing to do to tick off our extremely long list of important things to do was to get money. Between us we had no more then about 10cents loitering in the room somewhere. Thankfully my bank were very helpful and extremely fast and we picked up emergency cash that evening. Finally we felt a bit more at ease with everything. 
We both felt rather deflated and 'bleugh' and even talking about the whole situation would either make us laugh or burst out crying. Our emotions were everywhere. 
I know you're thinking how could you laugh at such a hideous situation? Well let me tell you.. When you realise you had just completed a really hard level on candy crush and then paid 69p for the next section.. It's pretty sad to cry over that right? And then when you realise you had taken some awesome pictures that night that hadn't synced onto my ipad and that won't be able to be instagrammed or uploaded to Facebook...YOU SIMPLY HAVE TO LAUGH.. and at that point I had ran out of tears so laughing was the only option. 
I was like a child again that night so I slept in the same bunk bed with Kate.. I'm not particularly sure why but randomly enough it was both of our best nights sleep in a while. Nawwwwww cute ey.
Today we made our way to HSBC to sort out Kate's cards and after a couple of hours being put on hold and listening to some rum ol music, that was another thing ticked off the list. Now it was time for some much needed retail therapy. I FINALLY HAD AN EXCUSE TO BUY NEW THINGS ;) 
Thank you Zara for my new red leather bag and urban outfitters for my kookie purse and Kate's lush bag.. It brought me happiness being surrounded by lovely clothes.
(Btw guys, urban outfitters is proper cheap out here. Got a cheeky bralet for 5 dollars in sale and the cutest camisole for 14 dollars). So combine this and eating some INCRED macaroons, today ended up ok. 
I loved Miami up until this incident, now I just can't wait to leave, which is sad, but we just don't feel safe here. Don't get me wrong we will make the most of the sun, sea and sand but once we are on the plane to New Orleans.. I will begin to relax again. 

I got a tattoo of a palm tree which will forever remind me of Miami. And when I think of Miami I will think of that horrible a**e that stole our stuff.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm great. 

Anyway.. We plan to spend the day tomorrow catching some sun that we have missed! Oh, and Joey Bananas (yes, real name) is teaching us how to surf. Wahooooo

Chow for now
Yas xo

P.s If you go to Miami.. BE CAREFUL!

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