Thursday 6 June 2013

Where's warbs? Where's wyatt?


Well today has been lovely, even though it has been cloudy (because you english I hear had stolen it!!) it has still been warm! 
Setting off at mid day, we grabbed a cheeky frappachino from Starbucks and began our journey down Broadway where we saw the flat iron building. Whilst admiring the view, we heard "FREE DONUTS" being shouted so we headed towards the group of people handing them out. Guess what guys? It's National donut day! We got our chocolate coated donut and sat ourselves in Madison square park where we were then approached by a lovely chap called Chris. His initial question was "where is the nearest Starbucks?" Which is rather bizarre considering wherever you look, you are bound to see one within 100 yards.. Anyway, being the polite english girls we are, we gave directions. It was our accents then initiated 10 minutes of casual chitter chatter and a number. Not bad! 
The funny thing was.. He then walked in the opposite direction of the Starbucks we pointed out!

After a fix of donuts and fantastics, we made our way up to Central Park. No words can describe just how beautiful it is. We only saw a fraction of the park but what we did see really was lovely. It's crazy just how quiet it is when walking around compared to the streets just minutes outside of the park.. It almost feels you are in a completely different place other than New York! 
We done a bit of rock climbing, embrassed the views and demolished a hot dog. We then walked the "typical film set strip" where we were approached by some chaps that absolutely loved Kate's 'bold' pose. I immediately thought he was an idiot! (I'm sure I called him something much more unpleasant!) Just saying. 

So after managing to divert from them, we saw a fountain, thought about how funny getting a boat on the river would be, then wondered around some more. In the middle of loads of trees and rocks me and Kate decided to play a rather fun (slash gay) game of "where's warbs? And where's Wyatt?" This lead to planking and all sorts! Here's a sneak peak...

Anyway.. After seeing squirrels, climbing more rocks and more wondering.. We headed out and got a subway to Theo's work snafu and picked a couple of raspberry mojitos up. We then headed home but not after a massive slice of pizza!!! 

Now vedging out on the sofa watching a film! night!

Yas xo

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