Saturday 29 June 2013

Hour #15 (I think)

I literally have no idea how long we've been on this bus but I know it's been long enough. We both managed to get some sleep, hence the break in blogging, but there's only so long you can pretend leaning against a cold window with a seatbelt digging in your back is comfortable. Yasmin still seems to be powering through but I have resorted to listening to the Wicked soundtrack on repeat to stop me going crazy. So far it's working. 

By my reckoning it's about 2.30pm at home? I hope you are all enjoying your Saturdays. I feel like, even though we should get to New Orleans by about 3pm our time all we're going to be good for is heading straight to the hostel and going to bed! This trip is nothing but rock and roll!

I am stuck on Level 29 of Candy Crush and it is slowly crushing my spirit. I keep having flashbacks from having to complete it the first time and I remember it taking an age. It is my goal to do it before we get to our next connection!

See you in an hour. xxxx

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