Saturday 29 June 2013

Hour #10

Everybody ssssssshhhhhh. I think Yasmin might be asleep. I hope so anyway. I wish I was. Instead I am listening to The Vaccines and ploughing my way through Middle Earth.*

Time seems to has lost all meaning. It's 4.50am here and I have been awake for approximately 19 hours. I don't see much hope in me getting any more than a couple of hours of sleep in the next 12 either and that is a daunting prospect. I may have to start hitting the cherry balls hard again to maintain energy levels. 

For now I shall continue to delight in the adventures of those pesky hobbits and wait for my lives to be restored in Candy Crush. 

Ciao for now xxx

*In a literary sense. Although it is a pitch black outside, we might be in The Shire, who knows. 

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