Wednesday 10 July 2013


The amount of Bridesmaids quotes that are swirling around my head right now is unreal. We are currently sat in the terminal waiting to board our flight to Vegas and I don't think I've ever been this excited. Ever. 

I mean right now, I feel like this...

However I feel like by the time we leave on Sunday I'll be more like this...

But whatever, because its Vegas, and apparently it's approximately 41 degrees there. We plan to spend half of our time pool side and half of our time losing all of our money and it's going to be great. 

Before we leave however let me catch you up on our last few days in Dallas. Dallas is a quiet place, we probably didn't need a whole week there but it was really nice to relax for a bit after the craziness of New Orleans. We spent our last few days making the most of Dallas' attractions, including the aquarium and the art museum. 

We spent our last day today back at the pool topping up our tans/ sorting out my panda eyes- they're still here FYI, lucky Vegas. Texas has been hot, way hotter than we imagined, so there was no better way to end our time here than alternating between the pool and the sun beds. 

We will try and update the blog whilst we're in Vegas but there are no promises. I feel like our Instagram feeds are going to go crazy though so look out for that!

Love you all lots- I would say I was missing Britain, but with the exception of not being able to find Pimms after Murray's win, I'm doing alright!

Kate xxxxx

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