Saturday 27 July 2013

It's all about Eva's cafè...

 Oh hello again! 
It's been a while but after our high from the canyon we have had a chilled week in Salt Lake City,so here's the report of what we got up to!
Our bus journey from Arizona to Utah was quite literally the definition of breathtakingly beautiful. Regardless of the fact we were cooped up on a greyhound bus, I was lost in my own little world listening to Bastille whilst admiring the scenery! 
Once arriving in Salt Lake City, the view didn't disappear. Although we were in quite a modern city centre the landscape of mountains surrounded you in any direction you looked! It was a little surreal to see mountains beyond forever 21 I have to say.

Anyway, our first day was spent getting to know out surroundings. We worked out the public transport system and took the 5 minute train Into city creek. We may have popped Into forever 21, Kate may have purchased a reaaalllyy pretty dress and I may have nearly weed myself with excitement when I saw the Cheesecake Factory. Salt Lake City was looking to be a very good week at this point!
We done the touristy thing if walking around and we came across Times Square which was beautifully filled with all-sorts of flowers, fountains and pretty buildings! 

The following morning we went to a beautiful little cafè, Eva's, this day marked the start of a fair few visits to the Boulangerie. I had an almond croissant and fresh fruit, Kate had granola with honey and yoghurt! Simple, but it was such a lovely breakfast. On our way out I caught sight of many macaroons and I got a tad excited, so if course we both got one for a snack later on in the day. In 38 degree heat we walked up a steep hill and came across utah a Capitol state building were we sat on a bench and had a proper good natter. It's weird that although we spend every minute if every day together, you sometimes forget to talk about things. So a couple of hours passed, I Indulged in my pistachio macaroon and Kate a lemon macaroon then we got a little giddy and started prancing around in our floaty skirts and dresses. 

Most evenings in Salt Lake City typically I ended up slouching on our double bed watching keeping up with the kardashians, Kourtney and khloe take Miami or cake boss. With some strawberry twizzlers and a sprite at hand also!  This is what I mean by a chilled week in SLC you see!

However, next day we decided to rent some bikes and go for a ride in the mountains. We got 3 blocks up from the hostel and I got a flat tyre. We went for breakfast then returned the bike and just walked to a park and had a picnic of twizzlers and cheetohs. We are like, so totally American right!?

A couple days later we done what Kate had been eager to do for ages now and that was horse riding in the mountains! I was also excited to do this and I cannot say just how incredible it was. We got a private tour that lasted 2 hours, me and blitz developed a great relationship. As did Kate and shian (I think that was the name of her horse :/). We got to 8000 feet up in the mountains and the view over Utah was ridiculous! It was a very good day, but i couldn't wait to get out of my jeans and shower! Hot and horsey.. Ummm!

Throughout our week in SLC we paid Eva's a visit 4 times, the cinema 3 times (despicable me 2, the heat and some other film about a girl but it was horrific!) and I ended up purchasing a really pretty dress from forever 21 also. Waheeeey for credit cards ;)

The highlight of our week in SLC was te evening we went to the Cheesecake Factory! We waited a while to get in but my god it was totally worth it! Everyone knows I am a sucker for cheesecake so you can imagine how hard it was for me to choose 1 out if around 30 different types! I opted for an Oreo one but it was so huge that it took me 3 days to finish it. Not only was the pudding extremly good, both mine and Kate's main course was to die for. I would say it was one of our favourite meals out here so far! (Not forgetting tgi Fridays steak though!) I had an amazing pasta dish that was packed full if flavour and Kate opted for Gumbo, a very American dish!
All in all, it was an amazing night and I highly recommend that if you go to america to pay it a visit!

Our week soon passed and yesterday we left for San Francisco! We got here today and it is very cold but it will be an amazing week because we are meeting with some of Kate's family. Let the wine drinking and fun filled days commence!

We now only have around 3 weeks left in America and this makes me very sad, but we will enjoy EVERRRY single day left out here :D

Yas xo

Sunday 21 July 2013

The Grandest of Canyons!


This is coming a little bit late because I'm very naughty and keep forgetting to do it. My Gran isn't very happy with me for making her wait so long so I apologise!

We are currently living it up in Salt Lake City, Utah but we will do a proper post on that after we leave. What I really want to talk (gloat) to you about is the brief, but incredible, few days we spent in Flagstaff Arizona. 

Flagstaff itself was such a cute little place. Our hostel was one of our favourite ones so far and the downtown area that we stayed in was full of little boutiques, independent cafés and fun markets. We spent our first afternoon wandering around after a very early start in Vegas, before heading back to the hostel for an early night. 

Yasmin didn't feel very well the next day so we had a quiet day, but after three days in Vegas it was quite nice to just relax and catch up on some sleep. Brief excitement came in the form of Yasmin FINALLY receiving her new cards. She was very happy to say the least!

The next day however shall henceforth be known as 'my favourite day of the trip so far'. We opted to do a day long tour organised through the hostel as it was by far the cheapest and easiest way of doing it. It was definitely the right decision as we had two incredible tour guides who were not only lots of fun but knew so much about the Canyon. 

I could sit here and talk to you all day about how amazing/ incredible/ awe inspiring/ breathtaking/ incomparable/ ridiculous the Grand Canyon is but you just can't understand it until you see it. We spent a whole day there, travelling about 40 miles around it, and we still only saw about 25% of it. Every bit you see not only takes your breath away but also totally boggles your mind at how nature can create something so incomprehensible.  

On our second pitstop we asked if it was possible to climb out to a small plateau of rocks just across from the main ledge. With a handy guide and some rock climbing skills that Mark would've been proud of we managed to get across and take some incredible pictures. 

After a quick scramble back to the mainland we headed off to our next point, stopping briefly to play with some wild elk...

Now this next bit might shock those of you who know me well/ have met me only for five minutes but our next activity was a hike down into the canyon itself. That's right, you heard me, HIKE. I even had my trainers on, which despite being purchased almost two and a half years ago are still as white as the day I bought them home. Whoops. 

Apparently over 9 million people visit the Grand Canyon every year, but only 1% go below the rim. Without any puns intended- remember my Gran reads this blog- me and Yasmin were more than happy to be part of that 1% and show that rim who's boss. The hike down was incredible, the views were amazing and we were part of a very fun group so there were bants to be had wherever you looked. Once we reached about a mile we stopped and took some more pictures. It was crazy how high up we still were in relative terms and me and Yasmin were jumping all over the rocks like mountain goats, freaking everybody out and having far too much fun. 

As fun as the hike down was however the hike back up was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Canyons are fudging steep. Who knew?! It definitely gave me and Yasmin a huge sense of satisfaction however, not only did it make us feel better about the previous 6 weeks of junk food, but we were the first two back up which is basically ridiculous considering the most cardio I've done in the last three years is running downstairs to the fridge.  

Our perfect day ended with a mile walk from one of the small museums, along the rim, to the Grand Canyon village where the bus was waiting. After stopping for another photo opportunity we realised that the path we had taken was quite quiet and most of the group we were with had gone on ahead of us. With a cheeky grin on our faces we decided to say goodbye and thank you to the Canyon in the only way we saw fit. 

First by taking a really attractive picture of the two of us,

And then by showing it how our tan lines are getting on,

It was a giggly, perfect end to an over excited, perfect day and something we will both remember forever. 

Thank you Grand Canyon. You were great, and if I get my way I'll be back. 

Sunday 14 July 2013


Right now I would love to say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.. But that would be a lie because I want to share our experience in the most insane place I've visited with you all! 

Insane, crazy, weird, fun, amusing, ridiculous, mental, exciting.. 
These are just some of the words I could use to describe Vegas but really there's only one word that fits.. And that's Vegas. Vegas simply is Vegas and you have to visit it yourself to see this. 

We landed in Vegas late Wednesday / early Thursday morning. Once departing the plane into the airport we were immediately greeted with a mini casino and betting machines everywhere. We were hit by Vegas instantly. The buzz of all the bright neon lights, the cirque du soleil adverts and limos where over whelming. Everything is just too much but to begin with it was all great fun. As much as I was itching to go straight out, getting into bed seemed much more appealing. 
Vegas is 2 hours behind (i think- its all getting confusing) Dallas so we awoke early not quite adjusting to the time difference. The guys we met in New Orleans were in Vegas at the same time so we met up with them at there hotel, The Stratosphere, which was a 10 minute walk from our hostel. I spent the day with them by the pool and enjoying the hot tub whilst Kate and Patrick enjoyed each others company after a week or so apart. Nawwwwwww. 
After a quick change of clothes we headed to Old Vegas, where quite literally everyone there was old. I'm unsure what worried me most.. Being under age and trying to avoid all eye contact with the security guards or the fact elderly ladies (in there 60's) were wearing stockings and little leather mini skirts. 
After a cheeky picture with Hello Kitty we headed to the famous Vegas strip. So many people, so many lights, so much of EVERYTHING! if you're not drunk it's every bit over whelming to begin with! Anyway, we went to the Bellagio hotel and watched the fountain show. We watched it twice because it was simply amazing and beautiful to watch. From where we were watching it, the mini Eiffel Tower stood behind the water display. The whole thing was very picturesque but you know how it is.. Pictures don't do that sort of thing justice! It's definately a need to see yourself moment!
We then made way to the largest casino in Vegas, MGM. Drinks are extortionate, $5 for half a pint of Pepsi, $11 for a G&T. Yes, we weren't in there long but it was definately worth paying the place a visit! 
Once walking around a little more we got a taxi back to the stratosphere.. This proved eventful as our taxi driver got pulled over and ticketed! It's all good fun hey!

Friday morning came and we got a taxi straight to the famous 'Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada' sign, queued to have our picture taken and made our way back to the strip. It's just as chaotic day time as it is in the evening! In 38 degree heat and in the middle of a desert, we were feeling a little grouchy. So that's when we popped into urban outfitters. MISTAKE. I came out feeling extremely depressed because there was so many cute dresses and the most gorgeous pair of shoes that I desperately need to get my hands on sooner rather than later! We got a taxi back to the hostel to have a nap. The heat and travelling had started to hit us and we were feeling slightly bleughh. I cannot tell you how amazing it was to open the door into an air conditioned room and to lay on my bed sipping ice cold sprite. Simple things hey! 
A few hours later we mustered up the energy to get ready and head back out. We went to Panda Express for dinner which was amazing! Chow mein, fried rice, orange chicken and mushroom chicken all for $8. Yummy! We made way to ceasers hotel, New York New York, the bellagio and took some more pictures of the famous strip. 

(Ironic fortune cookie)

Our last and final day we spent by the pool topping up our sun kisses tan! We are both glowing and very much loving it! With a piña colada in one hand and ice cold water in the other, it was a good day! We were tempted to join in with the volley ball but I just didn't want to show anyone up you see, so we let the others play whilst we spectated sitting on the edge of the pool cooling down. I would guess that the weather hit 40degrees at one point but because of the breeze it was quite pleasant to lay in! Another day done, time to leave the pool and get ready for our last night in Vegas. I had spoken to a few people that said you have to do the rides at the top of the stratosphere at night so that's what we done. Up 111 floors we found ourselves on The Big Shot. OH MY GOD. The ride is like the mega drop but that high up it certainly turned your stomach a fair few times. Thankfully the ride didn't go on too long because I genuinely think I would have been sick mid ride. None the less, the view was incredible. We made our way down 3 floors and queued for Insanity on 108 floor. This ride hangs you over the edge of the stratosphere so all you see when looking down is the bright lights of Vegas. It spins you around, faster and faster.. Again, OH MY GOD! The ride was amazing and was definately worth it but you just didn't know where to look and focus. I can't describe the rides in great enough words but if you pay Vegas a visit, you definately have to do these! It's amazing what you see whilst having a bit of fun also. 
Having my stomach do multiple turns it was definately time for me to go to bed. And the fact we had to get up at 5am.

So this leads me to what I'm doing right now and that's sitting on a bus venturing from Vegas to Flagstaff, Arizona. I'm so glad we opted for the 5 hour bus journey there (even at the ungodly hour) because the scenery is beautiful. I always forget the fact Vegas is in a desert but it is, and it's amazing. There's mountains, rocks and cactus everywhere! 

From my calculation we are around 1 hour away from Flagstaff and I am ever so slightly excited. I FINALLY get to see the Grand Canyon eeeeekkk. And potentially Death Valley and the Hoover damn! 
I'm desperately needing a wee now so I may have to give in and use the awful one at the back of the bus 😖😷

Speak soon
Yas xo

Wednesday 10 July 2013


The amount of Bridesmaids quotes that are swirling around my head right now is unreal. We are currently sat in the terminal waiting to board our flight to Vegas and I don't think I've ever been this excited. Ever. 

I mean right now, I feel like this...

However I feel like by the time we leave on Sunday I'll be more like this...

But whatever, because its Vegas, and apparently it's approximately 41 degrees there. We plan to spend half of our time pool side and half of our time losing all of our money and it's going to be great. 

Before we leave however let me catch you up on our last few days in Dallas. Dallas is a quiet place, we probably didn't need a whole week there but it was really nice to relax for a bit after the craziness of New Orleans. We spent our last few days making the most of Dallas' attractions, including the aquarium and the art museum. 

We spent our last day today back at the pool topping up our tans/ sorting out my panda eyes- they're still here FYI, lucky Vegas. Texas has been hot, way hotter than we imagined, so there was no better way to end our time here than alternating between the pool and the sun beds. 

We will try and update the blog whilst we're in Vegas but there are no promises. I feel like our Instagram feeds are going to go crazy though so look out for that!

Love you all lots- I would say I was missing Britain, but with the exception of not being able to find Pimms after Murray's win, I'm doing alright!

Kate xxxxx