Tuesday 20 August 2013

La La Land

So we've decided to do a quick round up of our time in LA before we both write an overly emotional goodbye to this trip and this blog. The overly emotional part might just be me and I apologise for it now, but for those of you who know me you know I cry at adverts so really what were you expecting?

I'm just going to to a quick run down of our adventures in LA to get you up to speed as I'm sure you're all sick of us gloating at you from behind our phones. Just a little bit more then I promise it will all be over. 

So we have been very lucky this week as after a chance meeting in New York, all those weeks and months ago, we managed to bag ourself a stay in a lovely little apartment with a lovely couple of Texan boys, rather than paying extortionate amounts for a horrible hostel. Michael and Tyler have both been very accommodating, not only in giving up the bed and gallantly taking the floor- though I think that has more to do with mens general aversion to spooning than anything else- but also in showing us around and getting us very drunk. 

After saying goodbye to the Greyhound for the final time late last Tuesday night we headed to Michael's apartment and started to plan our week. 

First up on the agenda was going to watch a new sitcom be taped in Fox studios. I was VERY excited about this. Not only because we got to see James van der Beek in the flesh (thank you very much), but also because we got to watch the really interesting process of shooting a show from start to finish. The day was very long; it took about 3 hours to get through various stages of security, and then 7 hours or so to shoot the actual thing, but there was a comedian on hand to keep spirits up and pizza and candy half way through to stop us revolting from hunger. It was honestly probably one of my favourite things that we have done out here and so much fun to be a part of. Unfortunately we weren't allowed phones in there so we don't have any pictures, but keep an eye out for when Friends With Better Lives hits the UK and keep an ear out during the second episode for two British girls laughing away and munching on Nerds. 

The next day, with our tourist hats firmly on our heads, we headed to Hollywood Boulevard to walk on some stars. Thankfully, and despite many warnings to the contrary, navigating our way around LA on public transport hasn't been that difficult so after a quick ride on the metro we spent the rest of the morning bumping into people as we walked with our heads down shouting out random celebrity names. 

After popping our Hooters virginity with some cracking chicken wings, and a quick visit to Grauman's Chinese Theatre we did a bit of cheeky shopping- which I would like to say was at least 50% for other people, we hopped back onto the metro and back to the apartment. 

What happened when we got back to the apartment I'd really rather not talk about. I just remember it involving Malibu, and Jack Daniels and so many games that ended so very badly. Especially the next day, (and Gran, I recommend you closing your eyes momentarily), when I may or may not have thrown up on the Walk of Fame. Twice. It is not something I'm particularly proud of, though looking back it was incredibly funny, but it is definitely something that me and Yasmin will both remember for a very long time. I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to Miss Wyatt however for accidentally getting some on her foot. MY BAD. 

The reason we were back on the Walk
of Fame was because we decided to do a bus tour up to the Hollywood sign and then around Beverly Hills. It was a lot of fun, when I wasn't trying to throw up all over the boy next to me, and we spent most of the time picking out which house we wanted in the Hollywood hills. 

The next day, with me feeling a lot perkier and with an overwhelming need to redeem myself and do something classy, we headed over to Beverly Hills. After a quick tourist stop at the sign, we wandered down Rodeo Drive and gazed longingly at all the things we couldn't afford, before stopping for lunch at a little cafe. 

We then took a stroll through Bel Air and picked out some more houses before ending up on Sunset strip. We attempted to do some celeb spotting but were very unsuccessful and instead settled for gelato and limonata. 

Yasmin was very excited about it. 

The next two days were designated ad beach days, first up was Santa Monica and then Venice. Unfortunately these were the worst two days in terms of weather here and although it was warm it was very grey and overcast. Nevertheless we both still loved Santa Monica and had a very fun day playing on the pier and FINALLY going to Bubba Gumps. With the exception of accidentally starting a fight between two of the waiters it was a lovely meal and we got light up glasses to take away with us. Winning. Venice wasn't quite as nice but we were still glad we saw it and we actually ended up walking along the beach all the way back down to Santa Monica which was a lovely way to spend our last day here. 

After our final dinner of pulled pork (obviously), we headed back to the apartment to pack our bags for the final time. I'm not going to start going on about how sad I am to be leaving, I'll leave that for the next post, but I would just like to say a HUGE thank you to Michael and Tyler for letting us stay and an even bigger thank you to LA for giving us such a fantastic last week. 


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